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Siempre priorizando la calidez y el confort para que nuestros hu\u00e9spedes est\u00e9n a gusto.\n\nEl departamento cuenta con garage techado, espacio 06 Nivel 03", "airbnbSpace": null, "airbnbAccess": null, "airbnbInteraction": null, "airbnbNeighborhoodOverview": null, "airbnbTransit": null, "airbnbNotes": null, "airbnbExportStatus": "exported", "vrboExportStatus": null, "marriotExportStatus": null, "bookingcomExportStatus": "exported", "expediaExportStatus": null, "googleExportStatus": "exported", "allowSameDayBooking": 0, "sameDayBookingLeadTime": 12, "contactName": null, "contactSurName": null, "contactPhone1": null, "contactPhone2": null, "contactLanguage": null, "contactEmail": null, "contactAddress": null, "language": "en", "currencyCode": "USD", "timeZoneName": "America\/Asuncion", "wifiUsername": "Hestia Stays 16B", "wifiPassword": "Hestia12345", "cleannessStatus": null, "cleaningInstruction": null, "cleannessStatusUpdatedOn": null, "homeawayPropertyName": "Hestia at Asunci\u00f3n | Luminous & Homely 2 BDR II", "homeawayPropertyHeadline": "Hestia at Asunci\u00f3n | Luminous & Homely 2 BDR II", "homeawayPropertyDescription": "Un departamento acogedor, con una ubicaci\u00f3n inmejorable en pleno eje corporativo de Asunci\u00f3n. El departamento se encuentra en el Edificio FORVM Molas, sobre la Avda. Molas L\u00f3pez. Ubicado en el piso 16, ofrece vistas maravillosas de Asunci\u00f3n.\n\nDesde el dise\u00f1o, Hestia busco darle un car\u00e1cter moderno a la propiedad. Siempre priorizando la calidez y el confort para que nuestros hu\u00e9spedes est\u00e9n a gusto.\n\nEl departamento cuenta con garage techado, espacio 06 Nivel 03", "bookingcomPropertyName": "Hestia at Asunci\u00f3n: Luminous and Homely 2 BDR II", "bookingcomPropertyRoomName": "Apartment", "bookingcomPropertyDescription": "Un departamento acogedor, con una ubicaci\u00f3n inmejorable en pleno eje corporativo de Asunci\u00f3n. El departamento se encuentra en el Edificio FORVM Molas, sobre la Avda. Molas L\u00f3pez. Ubicado en el piso 16, ofrece vistas maravillosas de Asunci\u00f3n.\n\nDesde el dise\u00f1o, Hestia busco darle un car\u00e1cter moderno a la propiedad. Siempre priorizando la calidez y el confort para que nuestros hu\u00e9spedes est\u00e9n a gusto.\n\nEl departamento cuenta con garage techado, espacio 06 Nivel 03", "invoicingContactName": null, "invoicingContactSurName": null, "invoicingContactPhone1": null, "invoicingContactPhone2": null, "invoicingContactLanguage": null, "invoicingContactEmail": null, "invoicingContactAddress": null, "invoicingContactCity": null, "invoicingContactZipcode": null, "invoicingContactCountry": null, "attachment": null, "listingAmenities": { "0": { "id": 222018891, "amenityId": 3, "amenityName": "Wireless" }, "2": { "id": 222018903, "amenityId": 6, "amenityName": "Swimming pool" }, "4": { "id": 222018899, "amenityId": 25, "amenityName": "Smoke detector" }, "5": { "id": 222018905, "amenityId": 28, "amenityName": "Fire Extinguisher" }, "6": { "id": 222018893, "amenityId": 33, "amenityName": "Laptop Friendly workspace" }, "7": { "id": 222018895, "amenityId": 34, "amenityName": "TV" }, "8": { "id": 222018887, 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Hestia at Asunción | Luminous & Homely 2 BDR II
No parties allowed
No smoking permitted in the house
Please respect silence hours between 10PM - 7AM
About neighborhood
Reservation policies
Check-in is from 4:00 pm and check-out is at 11:00 am.
You can request early check-in and/or late check-out after booking. Our team will do its best to accommodate any request according to availability.
Wheelchair accessibility not available
Elevators available
House Rules
No smoking (not even on balconies / patios)
No pets (not even the really cute ones) unless otherwise indicated.
No parties (not even very quiet ones)
* Please respect the neighbors and keep noise to a minimum from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am.
Flexible cancellation
We offer flexible cancellations for all reservations. Select the flexible rate to cancel your reservation up to 3 days prior to check-in and receive a full refund. For longer stays that are paid monthly, we require at least 30 days notice to cancel or modify without charge.